The Awakening Of Intelligence - J. Krishnamurti E-BOOK

The Awakening Of Intelligence by J. Krishnamurti

This book discuss various topics such as the importance of passion and energy in understanding oneself, the need for deep examination of existence, the concept of escape from pain, the relationship between the individual and the world, the formation of images in the mind, and the importance of attention in resolving problems.

Key points
  • Understanding oneself requires deep interest, passion, and energy.
  • Energy is needed to examine the complexities of existence.
  • The desire to escape from what is arises when it is painful.
  • The individual and the world are interconnected.
  • Images are formed in the mind when it is inattentive.
  • Attention is crucial in resolving problems and ending conflict.

Key Takeaways from this Book
  • The key takeaway from this book is the importance of understanding life and living without comparison, measurement, and fear. It emphasizes the need to be in direct contact with life, to observe and listen without concepts or beliefs. By doing so, one can experience love, beauty, and freedom from the burden of the past. 
  • The book also highlights the interconnectedness of life and the need for a psychological revolution to bring about order and peace. Ultimately, it encourages individuals to see themselves and the world as one, leading to a profound transformation in their perception and approach to life.

This book also highlights Religious Beliefs and Division

Religions have contributed to the separation of humanity through the establishment of certain rules, disciplines, attitudes, and beliefs. These organized religions have created divisions among people based on their different religious affiliations, leading to conflicts and misunderstandings. The belief systems and ideologies promoted by religions often emphasize the differences between individuals and groups, rather than fostering unity and understanding. As a result, humanity has become divided along religious lines, hindering the possibility of true harmony and cooperation among people.

The Awakening Of Intelligence - J. Krishnamurti E-BOOK

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The Art Of Listening - J. Krishnamurti E-BOOK

The Art Of Listening by J. Krishnamurti

The Art Of Listening - J. Krishnamurti E-BOOK 

About this Book:

This book contains excerpts from various public talks given by Krishnamurti in different locations and dates. He emphasizes the importance of experiencing reality rather than relying on descriptions or beliefs. He encourages individuals to question and examine their own thoughts and actions, rather than seeking external authority or following prescribed practices. Krishnamurti also discusses the limitations of memory and the division of time, and suggests that true fulfillment and harmony can be found through natural, spontaneous living.

In ALPINO, ITALY 1ST PUBLIC TALK, the Krishnamurti emphasizes the importance of experiencing reality firsthand rather than relying on descriptions from others. He states that truth cannot be fully described or given to another person, as each individual must live and discover it for themselves. The speaker also highlights the tendency of people to seek truth through studying descriptions and comparing them to their own preconceived ideas, leading to confusion in the mind.

In ADYAR 1ST PUBLIC TALK, Krishnamurti expresses his gratitude to the Theosophical Society for inviting him to speak at Adyar. He clarifies that he is not attacking any particular society but rather criticizing organizations based on religious hopes and beliefs. Krishnamurti aims to awaken the desire for true search and intelligence, which is free from systems and organized beliefs. He emphasizes that while organizations for social welfare are necessary, religious-based societies are a hindrance and means of exploitation.

TALK, Krishnamurti discusses the search for understanding life and the perverting effect of that search on our judgment. It highlights how the establishment of goals and ideals creates a duality in our actions, thoughts, and feelings, leading to problems. The talk emphasizes the importance of being alert and fully experiencing the present moment instead of constantly seeking explanations and meaning.

Purpose of the Speaker's Talks:

The purpose of the speaker's talks is to arouse the desire for true search and to awaken intelligence in the listeners. The speaker aims to go beyond beliefs and organized systems, and to encourage individuals to engage in independent thinking and questioning. The talks are not meant to attack any particular society, but to challenge false organizations and promote a genuine quest for truth. The speaker hopes to inspire individuals to develop their own intelligence and free themselves from the limitations of fixed beliefs and ideologies.

The Speaker's Description of Truth:

The speaker describes truth as a living reality that cannot be fully described or put into words. He emphasizes that truth cannot be known through the descriptions of others, but can only be experienced and lived. He states that truth is beyond all ideas of progress and growth, and that it cannot be realized through any person, imitation, or authority. The speaker also warns against those who try to describe truth, as it eludes all description and can only be understood through personal experience.

The Speaker's Advice for Finding Truth:

The speaker's advice for finding truth is to not search for it, as the very act of searching denies its existence. Instead, one must free their mind and heart from all ideas, doctrines, and beliefs, and understand the true function of individuality. 

The understanding of truth lies in understanding the right significance of all things and realizing that truth is in the transient, not apart from it. The search for truth is seen as an escape from daily sufferings and conflicts, and the pursuit of comfort and relief from pain.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of standing alone and not following anyone in the search for truth. Seeking truth is not about finding a guru or relying on others for explanations, but about being honest with oneself and understanding one's true desires and motivations. 

The speaker warns against seeking comfort and security, as they are illusions, and encourages individuals to be frank and clear about what they truly want. The search for truth is seen as a way to find satisfaction and comfort, but the speaker argues that true understanding and liberation cannot be attained through such a search. 

The speaker also cautions against seeking truth as a means of escape and emphasizes the need to grapple with the difficulties of life intelligently. 

The pursuit of truth requires a fundamental approach and may go against societal norms and conventions. The speaker highlights the prevalence of exploitation in the name of religion, government, and truth, and warns against relying on descriptions and explanations of the unknown. Truth cannot be explained or described, it can only be experienced and lived. 

The speaker urges individuals to put aside beliefs, traditions, and dependence on external authorities, and to listen without bias in order to understand the truth. 

The realization of truth is said to have nothing to do with any society, and one can have inward freedom while leaving outward links unbroken.

Key points:
  • Krishnamurti emphasizes the need to personally experience reality rather than relying on descriptions or beliefs.
  • He encourages individuals to question and examine their own thoughts and actions, rather than seeking external authority or following prescribed practices.
  • Krishnamurti discusses the limitations of memory and the division of time, and suggests that true fulfillment and harmony can be found through natural, spontaneous living.
  • The search for understanding life and finding the meaning of existence perverts our judgment.
  • The establishment of goals and ideals creates a duality in our actions, thoughts, and feelings.
  • Being alert and fully experiencing the present moment is crucial.
  • Constantly seeking explanations and meaning prevents us from truly understanding and discerning.

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The Answer Is In The Problem - J. Krishnamurti E-BOOK

The Answer Is In The Problem by J. Krishnamurti


Action And Relationship - J. Krishnamurti E-BOOK

Action And Relationship by J. Krishnamurti

Download Action And Relationship by J. Krishnamurti PDF Book


A Dialogue with Oneself - J. Krishnamurti E-BOOK

A Dialogue with Oneself by J. Krishnamurti

I do not want to be attached and yet I find myself getting
attached to the idea that somebody, or some book, or some method,
will reward me with freedom from attachment. So, the reward
becomes an attachment. So I say: "Look what I have done; be
careful, do not get caught in that trap." Whether it is a woman, a
method, or an idea, it is still attachment. I am very watchful now
for I have learned something; that is, not to exchange attachment
for something else that is still attachment.

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